Bozeman - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country BBBS Volunteer Application




In the greater Gallatin area, our agency serves families in Bozeman, Belgrade, Manhattan, Gallatin Gateway, and Three Forks through our community-based programs.

Within this service area, we match adult volunteer mentors (Bigs) with local children (Littles). These matches spend time together outside school hours, enjoying activities for 3-6 hours every month. During these outings, they cultivate relationships that provide children with skills to manage everyday challenges.

We enroll children ages 5-18 into the program. Our services are free and provided to any child who wishes to have a mentor and can form a relationship with a mentor. There are no economic or family structure qualifiers.

Matches are invited to monthly match activities that our office puts together. These activities include everything from ziplining, whitewater rafting, trips to the Museum of the Rockies, cooking classes, art classes, and more! We also host Big Meet Ups so our volunteers can meet each other and share their experiences. Our office is also proud to offer ongoing trainings for our volunteers and families to ensure their match is as successful as possible!