Livingston - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country BBBS Volunteer Application




Our agency serves families throughout Park & Sweet Grass Counties with our community-based and site-based programs. In the Community-Based Program, we "match" volunteers (Bigs) with children (Littles.) These matches typically spend time enjoying activities 3-6 hours per month. During these outings, they cultivate relationships that support children in developing skills to manage everyday challenges and build self-confidence.

In our Site-Based programs we match an elementary aged child with a high school student. They meet in a school setting on a weekly basis where they can develop a relationship. During these meet ups they get a chance to know each other, participate in organized activities, and have fun! If your child would be interested in our site-based program, click here for an application. If your child would like to be a high school mentor, please click here for an application.

We serve any child in our service area who wants or needs a positive adult role model. A volunteer Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Couple, or Big Family becomes a friend to the child and the relationship is supported by professional staff at Big Brothers Big Sisters. Through simple friendship, Bigs experience the joy of helping children discover a world of possibilities and opportunities. Contact our office today for more information on how to get invovled!